Flights of the St. Lawrence Phantom in 2017
Here are videos and pics from flights of "The St. Lawrence Phantom" in 2017.
March 19, 2017 - Getting the St Lawrence Phantom Ready after the Winter.
Test Flight from 25 Lakeshore Drive Water Front.
A Short Video of the Flight.
SC17031905: Looking SW Upriver.
SC17031907: Looking NE Towards Lakeshore United Church and Downriver.
SC17031911: Along Lakeshore Drive Looking West.
SC17031913: Looking Across the St. Lawrence River to New York State.
Test Flight from Morrisburg Beach.
A Short Flight Video.
Sorry for the horizon tilt. This is an ongoing issue with my DJI Phantom 3 Professional that I am trying to find a permanent fix for - any help appreciated! I can fix the pics but not the video.
SC17031923: Looking Upriver.
SC17031924: Looking West to Morrisburg Village.
SC17031925: Looking North Across the Dog Park.
SC17031926: Looking East Across Morrisburg Golf Club.
SC17031927: Looking South Towards Murphy Islands & New York State.
Sunset Test Flight from Lakeshore Drive in Morrisburg.